C# and USB HID Devices

Unknown Coder picture Unknown Coder · Aug 23, 2011 · Viewed 52k times · Source

I'm looking for one of either 2 things

1 - A working example of code using Florian's library from: http://www.florian-leitner.de/index.php/2007/08/03/hid-usb-driver-library/

This seems to be one of the better (only???) C#/HID libraries but the author has gone MIA and I can't seem to get a code example to work. The code I have is:

    USBHIDDRIVER.USBInterface usb = new USBInterface(myvid,mypid);
    if (usb.Connect())

    usb.enableUsbBufferEvent(new System.EventHandler(myEventCacher));

private void myEventCacher(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string content = e.ToString();

The connection part works but the event proc is never fired. So I'd like to know if anyone has a working example of this library code with the event handler firing.

2 - If there is a better library for handling C#/HID interaction I'd like to hear about it.