I'm basically looking for a way to access a hashtable value using a two-dimensional typed key in c#.
Eventually I would be able to do something like this
HashTable[1][false] = 5;
int a = HashTable[1][false];
//a = 5
This is what I've been trying...hasn't worked
Hashtable test = new Hashtable();
test.Add(new Dictionary<int, bool>() { { 1, true } }, 555);
Dictionary<int, bool> temp = new Dictionary<int, bool>() {{1, true}};
string testz = test[temp].ToString();
I think a better approach is to encapsulate the many fields of your multi-dimensional key into a class / struct. For example
struct Key {
public readonly int Dimension1;
public readonly bool Dimension2;
public Key(int p1, bool p2) {
Dimension1 = p1;
Dimension2 = p2;
// Equals and GetHashCode ommitted
Now you can create and use a normal HashTable and use this wrapper as a Key.