How do I build a solution programmatically in C#?

user677607 picture user677607 · Jun 28, 2011 · Viewed 35.3k times · Source

How do I build a C# solution programmatically?

I should be able to pass the path of a solution and get the output messages (or just build the solution). How do I achieve this in C#?

I need this because we are building a single solution for our projects when it now gets everything from SVN and also builds it. Next would be deploying it all in one click.


W1M0R picture W1M0R · May 23, 2012

See .NET 4.0 MSBuild API introduction for an example using the .NET 4.0 MSBuild API:

List<ILogger> loggers = new List<ILogger>();
loggers.Add(new ConsoleLogger());
var projectCollection = new ProjectCollection();
var project = projectCollection.LoadProject(buildFileUri); // Needs a reference to System.Xml

A simpler example:

var project = new Project(buildFileUri, null, "4.0");
var ok = project.Build(); // Or project.Build(targets, loggers)
return ok;

Remember to use the .NET 4 Profile (not the Client profile).

Add the following references: System.XML, Microsoft.Build, Microsoft.Build.Framework, and optionally Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.

Also look at Stack Overflow question Running MSBuild programmatically.

To build a solution, do the following:

var props = new Dictionary<string, string>();
props["Configuration"] = "Release";
var request = new BuildRequestData(buildFileUri, props, null, new string[] { "Build" }, null);
var parms = new BuildParameters();
// parms.Loggers = ...;

var result = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager.Build(parms, request);
return result.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Success;