Get the attributes from the interface methods and the class methods

Phil Carson picture Phil Carson · Jun 17, 2011 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

Whats the best approach for getting the attribute values from a classes methods and from the interface methods when the methods are overloaded?

For example I would want to know that in the following example the Get method with one parameter has the two attributes and the values are 5 and "any" while the other method has attributes with values 7 and "private".

public class ScopeAttribute : System.Attribute
    public string Allowed { get; set; }    

public class SizeAttribute : System.Attribute
    public int Max { get; set; }

public interface Interface1
    [SizeAttribute( Max = 5 )]
    string Get( string name );

    [SizeAttribute( Max = 7 )]
    string Get( string name, string area );


public class Class1 : Interface1
    [ScopeAttribute( Allowed = "any" )]
    public string Get( string name )
        return string.Empty;

    [ScopeAttribute( Allowed = "private" )]
    public string Get( string name, string area )
        return string.Empty;


Darek Malinowski picture Darek Malinowski · Aug 21, 2014

The only way I found was to check what interfaces the class implements and check attributes of the property (if exist) on those interfaces, e.g. (note - overall approach is tested but the code itself is ad-hoc and may not compile :)

static bool HasAttribute (PropertyInfo property, string attribute) {
  if (property == null)
    return false;

  if (GetCustomAttributes ().Any (a => a.GetType ().Name == attribute))
    return true;

  var interfaces = property.DeclaringType.GetInterfaces ();

  for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
    if (HasAttribute (interfaces[i].GetProperty (property.Name), attribute))
      return true;

  return false;

You can probably adopt it to methods equally easy.