I am looking to implement a WebDAV server in ASP.Net. the app will be deployed to IIS 6. I have seen a few frameworks that provide this functionality, but I can't seem to identify how they're able to accomplish it without (apparently) modifying IIS settings.
My specific question is how do I configure IIS and ASP.Net so that a IHttpModule/IHttpHandler might have an opportunity to handle any of the additional WebDAV verbs (i.e. LOCK, OPTIONS, PROFIND, etc.)
There is no way to configure WebDAV verbs in IIS 6 without modifying IIS settings. It is possible only with IIS 7 and later.
To handle all verbs required by WebDAV in IIS 6 you will need to create an application wildacrd map. Right click on your web application in IIS 6 MMC console and go to Properties->Virtual Directory Tab->Configuration. Click Insert to add new wildcard map.
On Home Directory tab of your application properties set Execute permissions to Scripts only and allow reads.
Here is the web.config example: http://www.webdavsystem.com/server/prev/v2/documentation/hosting_iis_asp_net/webconfig_example
Please note that this web.config example was specifically created and tested with ASP.NET 2.0 on IIS 6 on Server 2003 and IIS 5.1 on XP. It does not handle &, %, + and trailing dots (.).
ASP.NET 4.x provides means for handling any special characters in your WebDAV server, configuring web.config, including &, % and '.'. The web.config that supports IIS versions 6-8 is generated by IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine Wizard.