Why can't I declare a constant using var in C#?

bevacqua picture bevacqua · May 26, 2011 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source


const int a = 5;

compiles just fine, whereas

const var a = 5;

doesn't... while:

var a = 5;

compiles just as well as this:

int a = 5;



SLaks picture SLaks · May 26, 2011

The var keyword was intended to save you from writing long complex typenames, which cannot be constants.

It is very convenient to be able to write declarations like

var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<Definition>>();

It becomes necessary when using anonymous types.

For constants, this isn't an issue.
The longest built-in typename with constant literals is decimal; that's not a very long name.

It is possible to have arbitrarily long enum names which can be used as constants, but the C# compiler team apparently wasn't concerned for that.
For one thing, if you're making a constant enum value, you might as well put it in the enum.
Also, enum names shouldn't be too long. (Unlike complex generic types, which can and frequently should)