VoIP/SIP Soft Phone C# WPF

Troydm picture Troydm · May 21, 2011 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I need to write VoIP/SIP Soft Phone in C# using WPF interface with Audio support only. I need to have call transfer, call conference, and recording of conversations in mp3.

I've looked at VoIP SDK from ABTO LLC, but it is slow at application startup (30 seconds to start application, I think it's related to loading activex part of this sdk).

I've also looked at SIP.Net, but it's only for SIP and doesn't contain components for voice data transfer.

I have very limited time only 2 months from zero to fully working app.

What SDK can I use to accomplish this task?

Windows 7 must be supported.


this. __curious_geek picture this. __curious_geek · May 21, 2011

We have done this using SipekSDK. It's written on top of famous pjSIP open source SIPClient project. It does all the operations you have mentioned in the question.


enter image description here