why my .net application horribly slow to start after the machine is rebooted?

SharpUrBrain picture SharpUrBrain · May 18, 2011 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

Does anyone know why it is so horribly slow to start a .net application after the machine is rebooted(i.e cold start) ?

After researching in google I found some clues for speeding it up i.e.

  1. Merging assemblies
  2. Setting resource language
  3. NGEN
  4. GAC installation, etc.

Is that all enough to make my .net application faster or anything else is there I am missing ?


Lars Truijens picture Lars Truijens · May 18, 2011

Another reason could be Authenticode signed assemblies and no internet connection. See Why are signed assemblies slow to load? and WPF application slow on startup for example.