fingerprint reader software using C#

Sagar picture Sagar · May 8, 2011 · Viewed 39.1k times · Source

I am planning to verify the user input for my application using the biometric input. I did some research on net and came up with following options of biometric input:

  1. Fingerprint
  2. Facial Recognition
  3. Retinal Scan
  4. Iris Scan
  5. Voice Recognition
  6. Signature Verification

Out of which I felt the fingerprint as most suitable options. But the problem with this is the API of the fingerprint device will vary with its hardware. So most probably I think I will need to code against the multiple devices API, which I don't find friendly.

I intend to do the programming stuffs in C#. Is there any way out of this. As I am new to this I'm clueless. What is the way to attack this problem and how vast is the project scope and what should be my approach for this project.


Henk Holterman picture Henk Holterman · May 8, 2011

The problem is not unique to fingerprint readers, it will apply to all other options in your list and many other peripherals. In fact a standard API is the exception.

So you will have to look for somebody selling a library for this or writing your own (COM and/or Interop). And rolling your own will usually not be small or simple project.

Your program will have a list of supported devices, excluding the rest.