How do you perform a left outer join using linq extension methods

LaserJesus picture LaserJesus · Feb 25, 2009 · Viewed 202.4k times · Source

Assuming I have a left outer join as such:

from f in Foo
join b in Bar on f.Foo_Id equals b.Foo_Id into g
from result in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Foo = f, Bar = result }

How would I express the same task using extension methods? E.g.

Foo.GroupJoin(Bar, f => f.Foo_Id, b => b.Foo_Id, (f,b) => ???)


Marc Gravell picture Marc Gravell · Feb 25, 2009

For a (left outer) join of a table Bar with a table Foo on Foo.Foo_Id = Bar.Foo_Id in lambda notation:

var qry = Foo.GroupJoin(
          foo => foo.Foo_Id,
          bar => bar.Foo_Id,
          (x,y) => new { Foo = x, Bars = y })
           x => x.Bars.DefaultIfEmpty(),
           (x,y) => new { Foo=x.Foo, Bar=y});