I'm designing a multilingual application using .resx files.
I have a few files like GlobalStrings.resx, GlobalStrings.es.resx, GlobalStrings.en.resx, etc. When I want to use this, I just need to set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.
The problem: I have a combobox with all the available languages, but I'm loading this manually:
I've tried with
without any success. Also tried with all the elements in CultureTypes, but I'm only getting a big list with a lot more languages that I'm not using, or an empty list.
Is there any way to get only the supported languages?
You can programatically list the cultures available in your application
// Pass the class name of your resources as a parameter e.g. MyResources for MyResources.resx
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(typeof(MyResources));
CultureInfo[] cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures);
foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures)
ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(culture, true, false);
// or ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(new CultureInfo(culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName), true, false);
string isSupported = (rs == null) ? " is not supported" : " is supported";
Console.WriteLine(culture + isSupported);
catch (CultureNotFoundException exc)
Console.WriteLine(culture + " is not available on the machine or is an invalid culture identifier.");