When I access the page with the browser (ie9), the browser is rendering ok.
When I use the WebBrowser control I have JavaScript errors.
I know I can suppress the scripts errors, but I want them to run correctly, because they affect the rendering and the functionality of the page.
How can I solve this problem ? Can I integrate IE9 directly in the Windows Form and use similar methods like with the WebBrowser control (navigate,get id, invoke click) ?
What I would do is assign an object to webbrowser.ObjectForScripting and then inject a javascript function that assigns windown.onerror to a wrapper that calls the external script in the host app. Like:
window.onerror = function(message, url, lineNumber)
window.external.errorHandler(message, url, lineNumber);
Refere to: http://notions.okuda.ca/2009/06/11/calling-javascript-in-a-webbrowser-control-from-c/