DataGridViewComboBoxColumn set the selectedindex

VeecoTech picture VeecoTech · Mar 20, 2011 · Viewed 26.6k times · Source

hi i runtime bind the data into datagridview combobox. But how do i make it to auto display the first item? i do not able find the selectedindex from DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.

  DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cbStudentCourse = (DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)dgStudentCourse.Columns["studentCourseStatus"];
                    cbStudentCourse.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CourseStudentStatus));
                    cbStudentCourse.DisplayIndex = 1;

-- Update ---
i saw someone doing this in solution 3
Are you sure i need such a long code to just have the first item selected??????


Waqas Raja picture Waqas Raja · Mar 20, 2011

A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn has no SelectedIndex, and SelectedValue properties. However you can get the same behavior of SelectedValue by setting the Value property.

For instance on first index the value member has value 2 then you should set .Value = "2" to set the first index selected.

For example

myDataGridViewComboBoxColumn.Value = "20";

In your case

myDataGridViewComboBoxColumn.Value = CourseStudentStatus.EnumToBeSelected.ToString();

Here is more details about DataGridViewComboBoxColumn