I have an interface
public interface IDataProvider
T GetDataDocument<T>(Guid document) where T:class, new()
I'd like to mock it in a way, that it would just return a new instance of a given type, regardless of the exact type, something like:
myMock.Setup(m => m.GetDataDocument<It.IsAny<Type>()>(It.IsAny<Guid>()))
.Returns(() => new T());
(which doesn't work of course, because I cannot just give any type parameter to moq, and I can't know which type must be returned.
Any ideas on this one?
Instead of using a mock, maybe your case would be better to use a Stub.
public class StubDataProvider : IDataProvider
public T GetDataDocument<T>(Guid document) where T : class, new()
return new T();
If you truly need a mock (so you can verify that GetDataDocument
was called). Instead of trying to wrestle with a Mocking framework it sometimes is easier to just create a Mock class out right.
public class MockDataProvider : IDataProvider
private readonly Action _action;
public MockDataProvider(Action action)
_action = action;
public T GetDataDocument<T>(Guid document) where T : class, new()
return new T();
And than in your test:
bool wasCalled = false;
IDataProvider dataProvider = new MockDataProvider(() => { wasCalled = true; });
var aTable = dataProvider.GetDataDocument<ATable>(new Guid());