Confused with FromBody in ASP.NET Core

user5032790 picture user5032790 · Jun 9, 2018 · Viewed 19.3k times · Source

I have the following WEB API method, and have a SPA template with Angular:

public IActionResult Post([FromBody]MyViewModel model)

I thought, based on this topic, there is no need to use [FromBody] here, since I want to read the value from the message body, so there is no need to override the default behavior, but, if I don't use [FromBody], the model that is coming from Angular is null. I'm really confused, why should I use [FromBody], since I have used the default behavior?


Rob picture Rob · Sep 29, 2019

For anyone seeing this issue .net core 3 - you need to add the [ApiController] to the controller where you extend ControllerBase. The [FromBody] is only needed if you're doing an MVC controller.

This causes the body to get automatically processed in the way you're expecting.

Microsoft documentation for the ApiController attribute