Run a background task from a controller action in core 2

Waxren picture Waxren · Apr 13, 2018 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

I am developing a web application with a REST Api using C# with core 2.0

What I want to achieve is when the client send a request to an endpoint I will run a background task separated from the client request context which will be ended if the task started successfully.

I know there is HostedService but the problem is that the HostedService starts when the server starts, and as far as I know there is no way to start the HostedService manually from a controller.

Here is a simple code that demonstrate the question.

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "UsersScheme")]
public class UsersController : Controller

    public async Task<JsonResult> StartJob([FromForm] string UserId, [FromServices] IBackgroundJobService backgroundService) {

           //check user account
           (bool isStarted, string data) result = backgroundService.Start();

           return JsonResult(result);


Fabio picture Fabio · Apr 13, 2018

You still can use IHostedService as base for background tasks in combination with BlockingCollection.

Create wrapper for BlockingCollection so you can inject it as singleton.

public class TasksToRun
    private readonly BlockingCollection<TaskSettings> _tasks;

    public TasksToRun() => _tasks = new BlockingCollection<TaskSettings>();

    public void Enqueue(TaskSettings settings) => _tasks.Add(settings);

    public TaskSettings Dequeue(CancellationToken token) => _tasks.Take(token);

Then in implementation of IHostedService "listen" for tasks and when tasks "arrive" execute it.
BlockingCollection will stop execution if collection is empty - so your while loop will not consume processor time.
.Take method accept cancellationToken as argument. With token you can cancel "waiting" for next task when application stops.

public class BackgroundService : IHostedService
    private readonly TasksToRun _tasks;

    private CancellationTokenSource _tokenSource;

    private Task _currentTask;

    public BackgroundService(TasksToRun tasks) => _tasks = tasks;

    public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        _tokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
        while (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested == false)
                var taskToRun = _tasks.Dequeue(_tokenSource.Token);

                // We need to save executable task, 
                // so we can gratefully wait for it's completion in Stop method
                _currentTask = ExecuteTask(taskToRun);               
                await _currentTask;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // execution cancelled

    public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        _tokenSource.Cancel(); // cancel "waiting" for task in blocking collection

        if (_currentTask == null) return;

        // wait when _currentTask is complete
        await Task.WhenAny(_currentTask, Task.Delay(-1, cancellationToken));

And in the controller you simply add task you want to run to our collection

public class JobController : Controller
    private readonly TasksToRun _tasks;

    public JobController(TasksToRun tasks) => _tasks = tasks;

    public IActionResult PostJob()
        var settings = CreateTaskSettings();


        return Ok();

Wrapper for blocking collection should be registered for dependency injection as singleton

services.AddSingleton<TasksToRun, TasksToRun>();

Register background service
