How can I pass a parameter in Action?

Jop picture Jop · Feb 11, 2011 · Viewed 158.5k times · Source
private void Include(IList<string> includes, Action action)
    if (includes != null)
        foreach (var include in includes)
            action(<add include here>);

I want to call it like that

this.Include(includes, _context.Cars.Include(<NEED TO PASS each include to here>));

The idea is pass each include to the method.


The Scrum Meister picture The Scrum Meister · Feb 11, 2011

If you know what parameter you want to pass, take a Action<T> for the type. Example:

void LoopMethod (Action<int> code, int count) {
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

If you want the parameter to be passed to your method, make the method generic:

void LoopMethod<T> (Action<T> code, int count, T paramater) {
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

And the caller code:

Action<string> s = Console.WriteLine;
LoopMethod(s, 10, "Hello World");

Update. Your code should look like:

private void Include(IList<string> includes, Action<string> action)
    if (includes != null)
         foreach (var include in includes)

public void test()
    Action<string> dg = (s) => {
    this.Include(includes, dg);