Passing multiple parameter to DELETE request c# web API

Gamma picture Gamma · Mar 13, 2018 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

My question is how can I pass multiple parameter to DELETE request.

My controller class as follow,

namespace MYAPI1.Controllers
    public class TaskController : ApiController
        // DELETE: api/Task/5
        public void Delete(int id,int id2, string id3)
            TaskPersistent tp = new TaskPersistent();

TaskPersistent.class as follow,

public class TaskPersistent
    public void deleteTask(int id, int id2, string id3)

            string sqlString = "DELETE from devproj WHERE (DeveloperID, ProjectID, WorkDate) =  VALUES ('" + id + "', '" + id2 + "', '" + id3 + "');";
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(sqlString, conn);
            long x = cmd.LastInsertedId;

        catch (Exception x)



I try to consume this using postman like this,http://localhost:10927/api/Task?id1=1&id2=5&id3="2018-03-14" but which not working, please help me to solve this.


elhs16 picture elhs16 · Mar 13, 2018

Try the following

    public void Delete(int id,int id2, string id3)
        TaskPersistent tp = new TaskPersistent();

Call it via: http://localhost:10927/api/Task/1/2/"2018-03-14"

--- OR ---

    public void Delete(int id,int id2, string id3)
        TaskPersistent tp = new TaskPersistent();

Call it via: http://localhost:10927/api/Task?id=1&id2=2&id3="2018-03-14"