Multi-threaded splash screen in C#?

John Virgolino picture John Virgolino · Sep 8, 2008 · Viewed 42.7k times · Source

I want a splash screen to show while the application is loading. I have a form with a system tray control tied to it. I want the splash screen to display while this form loads, which takes a bit of time since it's accessing a web service API to populate some drop-downs. I also want to do some basic testing for dependencies before loading (that is, the web service is available, the configuration file is readable). As each phase of the startup goes, I want to update the splash screen with progress.

I have been reading a lot on threading, but I am getting lost on where this should be controlled from (the main() method?). I am also missing how Application.Run() works, is this where the threads for this should be created from? Now, if the form with the system tray control is the "living" form, should the splash come from there? Wouldn't it not load until the form is completed anyway?

I'm not looking for a code handout, more of an algorithm/approach so I can figure this out once and for all :)


aku picture aku · Sep 8, 2008

The trick is to to create separate thread responsible for splash screen showing.
When you run you app .net creates main thread and loads specified (main) form. To conceal hard work you can hide main form until loading is done.

Assuming that Form1 - is your main form and SplashForm is top level, borderles nice splash form:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    bool done = false;
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((x) =>
        using (var splashForm = new SplashForm())
            while (!done)

    Thread.Sleep(3000); // Emulate hardwork
    done = true;