How to select only the records with the highest date in LINQ

Bas Jansen picture Bas Jansen · Jan 22, 2009 · Viewed 195.4k times · Source

I have a table, 'lasttraces', with the following fields.

Id, AccountId, Version, DownloadNo, Date

The data looks like this:

28092|15240000||2009040004731|2009-01-20 13:10:22.000
28094|61615000||2009040007696|2009-01-20 13:11:38.000
28095|95317000||2009040007695|2009-01-20 13:10:18.000
28101|15240000||2009040004740|2009-01-20 14:10:22.000
28103|61615000||2009040007690|2009-01-20 14:11:38.000
28104|95317000||2009040007710|2009-01-20 14:10:18.000

How can I, in LINQ to SQL, only get the last lasttrace of every AccountId (the one with the highest date)?


Mehrdad Afshari picture Mehrdad Afshari · Jan 22, 2009

If you just want the last date for each account, you'd use this:

var q = from n in table
        group n by n.AccountId into g
        select new {AccountId = g.Key, Date = g.Max(t=>t.Date)};

If you want the whole record:

var q = from n in table
        group n by n.AccountId into g
        select g.OrderByDescending(t=>t.Date).FirstOrDefault();