WPF ActualWidth is zero

Mark picture Mark · Dec 21, 2010 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I have a user control which has a Canvas of height 100 and width 1920.

At the loading of the control, I go to an external source, download a text file and add TextBlocks to the Canvas. Then I want to create a marquee scrolling effect which should work just fine, except after I add the TextBlocks to the Canvas, I need to get their width for calculation purposes but the ActualWidth property is always zero.

Here is some code:

private readonly LinkedList<TextBlock> textBlocks = new LinkedList<TextBlock>();

public LocalNewsControl()
    Loaded += LocalNewsControlLoaded;

private void LocalNewsControlLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

private void LoadDataContext()
    DataContext = new NewsItemsViewModel((exception) => LoadNewsItems());

private void LoadNewsItems()
    var viewModel = (NewsItemsViewModel)DataContext;


    foreach (var newsViewModel in viewModel.NewsItems)
        var tb = new TextBlock
            Text = newsViewModel.Headline,
            FontSize = 28,
            FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal,
            Foreground = Brushes.Black


        Canvas.SetTop(tb, 20);
        Canvas.SetLeft(tb, -999);


    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
        var node = textBlocks.First;

        while (node != null)
            if (node.Previous != null)
                //THIS IS WHERE ActualWidth is always ZERO
                var left = Canvas.GetLeft(node.Previous.Value) + node.Previous.Value.ActualWidth + Gap;
                Canvas.SetLeft(node.Value, left);
                Canvas.SetLeft(node.Value, NewsCanvas.Width + Gap);

            node = node.Next;


smichaud picture smichaud · Dec 21, 2010

You could always attach a delgate to the PropertyMetatdata/OnValueChanged and when ActualHeight/ActualWidth changes from 0 to something, adjust your scrolling, ActualWidth/ActualHeight will have a value once its rendered at least once:

    var descriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(ActualWidthProperty, typeof(TextBlock));
    if (descriptor != null)
        descriptor.AddValueChanged(myTextBlock, ActualWidth_ValueChanged);

private void ActualWidth_ValueChanged(object a_sender, EventArgs a_e)
   //Modify you scroll things here