How to keep output window always open in Visual Studio 2017

Tide Gu picture Tide Gu · Jul 6, 2017 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I am developing C# Windows Forms App, and need to output some debug message using Debug.Print(). However, the output window is always being minimised on each new debug session. How do I keep it dock'ed to the window so I don't have to click it every single time?

Also, how can I reset the window layout in coding and debugging mode separately? Especially the debugging mode, it seems not saving the layout...

I found similar questions about opening the output window during building, but couldn't find any reference on debugging.

---- update

Thanks for the contributions. Although it was not the solution. I tried to reset the layout again and a few times and it now works fine. It was weird that it wasn't working.

Since no one submitted the solution and I am still expecting if anyone knows the cause and solution, I am leaving this question open without accepting any of the answers.

Thanks again.



Kailash Bhakuni picture Kailash Bhakuni · Jul 6, 2017

Go to "Tools" -> "Options..." and under the "Projects and Solutions" tab expander, you can find a checkbox labeled "Show Output window when build starts". Check it to enable the output window/pane to appear automatically when you build your project. Keep it unchecked, if you don't want to open it automatically.

enter image description here