Read Gmail Inbox

anbuselvan picture anbuselvan · Dec 16, 2010 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I want to read my Gmail Inbox by using Google.GData.Client.dll. How do I accomplish this? I would like a sample program.


Soner Gönül picture Soner Gönül · Dec 16, 2010

I found GMailAtomFeed

   // Create the object and get the feed 
   RC.Gmail.GmailAtomFeed gmailFeed = new RC.Gmail.GmailAtomFeed("username", "password"); 

   // Access the feeds XmlDocument 
   XmlDocument myXml = gmailFeed.FeedXml 

   // Access the raw feed as a string 
   string feedString = gmailFeed.RawFeed 

   // Access the feed through the object 
   string feedTitle = gmailFeed.Title; 
   string feedTagline = gmailFeed.Message; 
   DateTime feedModified = gmailFeed.Modified; 

   //Get the entries 
   for(int i = 0; i < gmailFeed.FeedEntries.Count; i++) { 
      entryAuthorName = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].FromName; 
      entryAuthorEmail = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].FromEmail; 
      entryTitle = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].Subject; 
      entrySummary = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].Summary; 
      entryIssuedDate = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].Received; 
      entryId = gmailFeed.FeedEntries[i].Id; 

also you should look