Where can I find tag lib sharp examples?

pphanireddy picture pphanireddy · Dec 5, 2010 · Viewed 25.8k times · Source

I have been searching for ID3 editors for my music manager project. It seems that taglib sharp is the popular choice. I googled a lot and could not find any examples of using it.

Can some one point me to some examples showing the library usage ?


ChrisF picture ChrisF · Dec 5, 2010

Well without knowing exactly what you want to do all I can offer is my code.

You create a TagLib File object from the actual mp3 file. This reads the file and extracts the tag data:

TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(track); // track is the name of the mp3

Then to get a tag value:

uint year = tagFile.Tag.Year;

You set the tags like this:

tagFile.Tag.Year = year;

and then save the changes:
