C# netcore ldap authentication using Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard library

Jhenrry Alvaro Mamani Javier picture Jhenrry Alvaro Mamani Javier · Feb 9, 2017 · Viewed 17.4k times · Source

it is the first time I'm working with LDAP and Active Directory. I have to make a web api with .NetCore that have to authenticate with ActiveDirectory (WindowsServer 2008 r2), I'm following the samples in Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard but i can't understand the way that I must set the parameters. This is the users that I created in ActiveDirectory Server:


In Novell's samples

if (args.Length != 5)
    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage:   mono VerifyPassword <host name>" + " <login dn> <password> <object dn>\n" + "         <test password>");
    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Example: mono VerifyPassword Acme.com " + "\"cn=Admin,o=Acme\" secret\n" + "         \"cn=JSmith,ou=Sales,o=Acme\" testPassword");

int ldapPort = LdapConnection.DEFAULT_PORT;
int ldapVersion = LdapConnection.Ldap_V3;
System.String ldapHost = args[0];
System.String loginDN = args[1];
System.String password = args[2];
System.String objectDN = args[3];
System.String testPassword = args[4];
LdapConnection conn = new LdapConnection();

    // connect to the server
    conn.Connect(ldapHost, ldapPort);

    // authenticate to the server
    conn.Bind(ldapVersion, loginDN, password);

    LdapAttribute attr = new LdapAttribute("userPassword", testPassword);
    bool correct = conn.Compare(objectDN, attr);

    System.Console.Out.WriteLine(correct?"The password is correct.":"The password is incorrect.\n");

    // disconnect with the server

In Novell's samples the "user" parameters looks like this "ou=sales,o=Acme", so I was trying:

int ldapPort = LdapConnection.DEFAULT_PORT;
int ldapVersion = LdapConnection.Ldap_V3;
bool compareResults = false;
String ldapHost = "";
String loginDN = @"cn=jperez";
String password1 = "Jperez123";
String dn = "mydn";
LdapConnection lc = new LdapConnection();
LdapAttribute attr = null;

    // connect to the server
    lc.Connect(ldapHost, ldapPort);
    var sdn = lc.GetSchemaDN();

    // authenticate to the server
    lc.Bind(ldapVersion, loginDN, password1);

catch (LdapException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.ToString());

But I get this error: LDAP:

LdapException: Invalid Credentials (49) Invalid Credentials LdapException: Server Message: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A8, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1\u0000 LdapException: Matched DN:

I also get the schemaDn with this funciton: lc.GetSchemaDN(), that return this result: CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=mydn,DC=local

After googling there is no much information with .Netcore than the Novell's samples, please I need your help.


Mighty Ferengi picture Mighty Ferengi · Mar 11, 2017

Been working on this as well and ran into the same error. I had to use the Windows domain and username to log in:

String loginDN = "DOMAIN\\jperez";
String password1 = "Jperez123";

lc.Bind(loginDN, password1);

Once I did that, I got in without issue.