I have a query in a method:
private readonly IEntityReader<Customer> _reader;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> HandleAsync(GetCustomer query)
var result = _reader.Query()
.Include(customer => customer.Organization)
.Where(customer => customer.Name == query.Name);
return await result.ToListAsync();
Which has this unit-test:
public async Task HandleGetCustomer_ReturnsCustomer_WhenNameMatches()
// Arrange
var customers = new List<Customer>()
new Customer
Id = new Guid("d4e749ba-6874-40f4-9134-6c9cc1bc95fe"),
Name = "John Doe",
Age = 18,
Organization = new Organization
Id = new Guid("b2ba06c9-5c00-4634-b6f7-80167ea8c3f1"),
Name = "TheCompany",
Number = 42
new Customer
Id = new Guid("0679ceb5-3d4f-41f3-a1b0-b167e1ac6d7e"),
Name = "Another Guy",
Age = 39,
Organization = new Organization
Id = new Guid("b2ba06c9-5c00-4634-b6f7-80167ea8c3f1"),
Name = "TheCompany",
Number = 42
var entityReader = new Mock<IEntityReader<Customer>>(MockBehavior.Strict);
entityReader.Setup(reader => reader.Query()).Returns(customers);
var query = new GetCustomer
Name = "John Doe"
var handler = new HandleGetCustomer(entityReader.Object);
// Act
var result = await handler.HandleAsync(query);
// Assert
Assert.True(result.Count() == 1);
Assert.True(result.FirstOrDefault().Id == new Guid("d4e749ba-6874-40f4-9134-6c9cc1bc95fe"));
By apperently the call to .ToListAsync();
fails because of:
The source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncEnumerable. Only sources that implement IAsyncEnumerable can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations.
The extension method is a method from Entity Framework Core.
How can I convert my list of customers to the IAsyncEnumerable
For reference, the IEntityReader
interface is defined such as:
public interface IEntityReader<out TEntity> where TEntity : Entity
IQueryable<TEntity> Query();
Thanks to @Nkosi, this is the solution:
The code snippet of How to mock an async repository with Entity Framework Core with the change of the customer list:
var customers = new TestAsyncEnumerable<Customer>(new List<Customer>
new Customer
Id = new Guid("d4e749ba-6874-40f4-9134-6c9cc1bc95fe"),
Name = "John Doe",
Age = 18,
Organization = new Organization
Id = new Guid("b2ba06c9-5c00-4634-b6f7-80167ea8c3f1"),
Name = "TheCompany",
Number = 42
new Customer
Id = new Guid("0679ceb5-3d4f-41f3-a1b0-b167e1ac6d7e"),
Name = "Another Guy",
Age = 39,
Organization = new Organization
Id = new Guid("b2ba06c9-5c00-4634-b6f7-80167ea8c3f1"),
Name = "TheCompany",
Number = 42