Error 80040154 (Class not registered exception) when initializing VCProjectEngineObject (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll)

rkellerm picture rkellerm · Oct 26, 2010 · Viewed 103.8k times · Source

I'm trying to run this tool in order to convert a Visual C++ project to makefile. The project I'm trying to convert project is written in VS2008, so I'm using a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll from version 9.

It fails in this line:

VCProjectEngine vcprojEngine = new VCProjectEngineObject();

With the following exception:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {D19A00C4-A7F9-4E14-A5E1-D060B7EB57F3} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

When tried to register VCProjectEngine.dll with regsvr32, I got an error that the entry point DllRegisterServer was not found.

Any idea??

Thanks in advance.


Hans Passant picture Hans Passant · Oct 26, 2010

There are not many good reasons this would fail, especially the regsvr32 step. Run dumpbin /exports on that dll. If you don't see DllRegisterServer then you've got a corrupt install. It should have more side-effects, you wouldn't be able to build C/C++ projects anymore.

One standard failure mode is running this on a 64-bit operating system. This is 32-bit unmanaged code, you would indeed get the 'class not registered' exception. Project + Properties, Build tab, change Platform Target to x86.