ASP.NET MVC Redirect with model

user460667 picture user460667 · Oct 25, 2010 · Viewed 72.7k times · Source

I currently have a method in my controller which accepts a form collection, saves the data, and then displays the data in a 'Details' page. At the moment, the code currently looks something like:

public ActionResult Create(PersonModel person)
    if (person.IsValid())
        person.additionalData = "Person created successfully";
        return View("Details", person);

The problem is that returning the Details view in this manner retains the URL mysite/Person/Create - ideally I would like the URL to be mysite/Person/Details/{PersonId}.

Im sure this must be possible. Obviously, I could use Response.Redirect, however this doesn't allow me to pass the model to the view. As far as I can tell, I can't pass the model using RedirectToAction?

Thanks for the help.

EDIT: To confirm - the model produced by the Create action is different to the default one created by the Details action. Therefore, doing a straight redirect to Action and passing the Id does not work as the model produced is not correct. To give more context, the model from the Create action contains an additional value saying 'Person created successfully', if I redirect to the Details action, this message is not present in the model.


jim tollan picture jim tollan · Oct 25, 2010

Straight from my own app:

public ActionResult Create(Booking item)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        int newID = _tasks.Create(item);
        // NEW section to emulate model being populated for use in Details view
        TempData["additionalData"] = "Person created successfully";
        return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = newID });
        return View();

then, couldn't your "Details" action be like this:

public ActionResult Details(int id)
    var item = _tasks.GetByKey(id);
    var additionalData = TempData["additionalData"];
    if(item != null) {
            item.additionalData = additionalData;
        return View(item);
        return View("Notfound");

couldn't you adopt a similar approach??

You could just do the redirect as per convention and have a flag set (on tempdata as above) that gives this message? The tempadata flag would ONLY be set inside the Create action, therefore would only ever happen on Creating a new 'person' object. thus the Details action would only ever show it as a consequence of the Create action