Web API 2 RoutePrefix does not working

Vikram picture Vikram · Oct 17, 2016 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

When defining a RoutePrefix at controller level, when I try to access the API class using the URL with prefix http://localhost:55020/api/v2/dummy/get it throws 404. This http://localhost:55020/api/dummy/get works absolutely fine though.

Here is controller class which has a RoutePrefix defined

    public class DummyController : ApiController
        // GET api/values
        public IEnumerable<string> Get()
            return new string[] { "value1", "value2", "value3" };

Here is WebApiConfig

 public static class WebApiConfig
        public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            // Web API configuration and services

            // Web API routes

                name: "DefaultApi",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
                defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


Mostafiz picture Mostafiz · Oct 17, 2016

Use attribute routing instead

public class DummyController : ApiController
    // GET api/values
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return new string[] { "value1", "value2", "value3" };

and if you want route prefix then

public class DummyController : ApiController
    // GET api/v2/dummy
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return new string[] { "value1", "value2", "value3" };