I am developing tests using Nunit and data driven testing approach. I have test method with 2 parameters: path to xlsx file and worksheet name.
It works perfect in Visual Studio when I pass parameters in TestCase
attribute, for example when I want to run 3 test cases have to write something like this:
[TestCase(@"pathToFile.xlsx", "TestCase1")]
[TestCase(@"pathToFile.xlsx", "TestCase2")]
[TestCase(@"pathToFile.xlsx", "TestCase3")]
public void performActionsByWorksheet(string excelFilePath, string worksheetName)
//test code
I would like to run my test cases and pass parameters using Nunit Console (not to write parameters in code).
Is it possible to achieve it?
If you are using NUnit 3 you can use TestContext.Parameters property:
public void performActionsByWorksheet()
string excelFilePath = TestContext.Parameters["excelFilePath"];
string worksheetName = TestContext.Parameters["worksheetName"];
and --params command line argument:
nunit3-console.exe path/to/your/test.dll --params=excelFilePath=testPath;worksheetName=testName