I have a class which looks like this:
public class Field
public string FieldName;
public string FieldType;
And an object List<Field>
with values:
I want to create a class that looks like this:
Class DynamicClass
int EmployeeID,
String EmployeeName,
String Designation
Is there any way to do this?
I want this to be generated at runtime. I don't want a physical CS file residing in my filesystem.
Yes, you can use System.Reflection.Emit
namespace for this. It is not straight forward if you have no experience with it, but it is certainly possible.
Edit: This code might be flawed, but it will give you the general idea and hopefully off to a good start towards the goal.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace TypeBuilderNamespace
public static class MyTypeBuilder
public static void CreateNewObject()
var myType = CompileResultType();
var myObject = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
public static Type CompileResultType()
TypeBuilder tb = GetTypeBuilder();
ConstructorBuilder constructor = tb.DefineDefaultConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName);
// NOTE: assuming your list contains Field objects with fields FieldName(string) and FieldType(Type)
foreach (var field in yourListOfFields)
CreateProperty(tb, field.FieldName, field.FieldType);
Type objectType = tb.CreateType();
return objectType;
private static TypeBuilder GetTypeBuilder()
var typeSignature = "MyDynamicType";
var an = new AssemblyName(typeSignature);
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MainModule");
TypeBuilder tb = moduleBuilder.DefineType(typeSignature,
TypeAttributes.Public |
TypeAttributes.Class |
TypeAttributes.AutoClass |
TypeAttributes.AnsiClass |
TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit |
return tb;
private static void CreateProperty(TypeBuilder tb, string propertyName, Type propertyType)
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = tb.DefineField("_" + propertyName, propertyType, FieldAttributes.Private);
PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder = tb.DefineProperty(propertyName, PropertyAttributes.HasDefault, propertyType, null);
MethodBuilder getPropMthdBldr = tb.DefineMethod("get_" + propertyName, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, propertyType, Type.EmptyTypes);
ILGenerator getIl = getPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
getIl.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldBuilder);
MethodBuilder setPropMthdBldr =
tb.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyName,
MethodAttributes.Public |
MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
null, new[] { propertyType });
ILGenerator setIl = setPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
Label modifyProperty = setIl.DefineLabel();
Label exitSet = setIl.DefineLabel();
setIl.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldBuilder);