How to monitor SQL Server Agent Job info in C#

Fernatit picture Fernatit · Sep 21, 2010 · Viewed 20.9k times · Source

I need to create an application for monitoring SQL Server 2000 Agent Job status and info when Job occur same as show on Windows application event log. Now I connect to the database already via a connection string, but I don't know how to get the status and info from Job.

I need to show status and info on Textbox.

What do you suggestion how to do.

Developer tools :

  1. MS SQL Sever 2000 SP4
  2. MS Visual Studio 2008 (C#)

I am a rookie programmer.


Fernatit picture Fernatit · Mar 11, 2011

i can do this already...

i select form table "Sysjobserver" in database "msdb" for read status, date, time of job that i want.

use this code

public void GetJobsAndStatus()
            string sqlJobQuery = "select j.job_id,, j.enabled, jh.run_status," +
            " js.last_outcome_message, jh.run_date, jh.step_name, jh.run_time" +
            " from sysjobs j left join sysjobhistory jh on (j.job_id = jh.job_id)" +
            " left join sysjobservers js on (j.job_id = js.job_id)" +
            " where jh.run_date = (select Max(run_date) from sysjobhistory)" +
            " and jh.run_time = (select Max(run_time) from sysjobhistory)";

            // create SQL connection and set up SQL Command for query
            using (SqlConnection _con = new SqlConnection("server=;database=msdb;user id=sa;pwd="))
            using (SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlJobQuery, _con))


               // open connection

               // create SQL Data Reader and grab data
               using (SqlDataReader rdr = _cmd.ExecuteReader())
                   // as long as we get information from the reader
                   while (rdr.Read())
                       Guid jobID = rdr.GetGuid(0);             // read Job_id
                       string jobName = rdr.GetString(1);       // read Job name
                       byte jobEnabled = rdr.GetByte(2);        // read Job enabled flag
                       int jobStatus = rdr.GetInt32(3);         // read last_run_outcome from sysjobserver
                       string jobMessage = rdr.GetString(4);    // read Message from sysjobserver
                       int jobRunDate = rdr.GetInt32(5);        // read run_date from sysjobhistory
                       string jobStepName = rdr.GetString(6);   // read StepName from sysjobhistory
                       int jobRunTime = rdr.GetInt32(7);        // read run_time from sysjobhistory

                        String[] lviData = new String[] // ตัวแปรอะเรย์ชื่อ lviData 


                        newData = lviData;

                        DisplayList();  // for display data on datagridview



thank you for everybody help very much. :-D