How to get the CPU Temperature info from Bios using c# I gave a try to the code in CPU temperature monitoring
But no luck. 'enumerator.Current' threw an exception.
How can i achieve this ? Thanks.
Error :
"This system doesn't support the required WMI objects(1) - check the exception file \r\nNot supported \r\n\r\n at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)\r\n at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()\r\n at CedarLogic.WmiLib.SystemStatistics.RefreshReadings() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\WmiLib\SystemStatistics.cs:line 25\r\n at CedarLogic.WmiLib.SystemStatistics.get_CurrentTemperature() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\WmiLib\SystemStatistics.cs:line 87\r\n at TemperatureMonitor.SystemTrayService.CheckSupport() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\TemperatureMonitor\SystemTrayService.cs:line 260"
You need to support many diffrent hardware sensors to gather temperature data. Better way is to take ready to use solutions like these:
1) Open Hardware Monitor - open source .NET 2.0 Application:
2) Core Temp - free application and .NET API to get temperature data: