I'm already familiar with Linq but have little understanding of extension methods I'm hoping someone can help me out.
So I have this hierarchical collection pseudo code ie:
class Product
prop name
prop type
prop id
prop List<Product> children
And I have a list of products List products.
Is there any way I can look for product in this collection by the id with a extension method ? In other words I need one item somewhere within the hierarchy.
Here is a generic solution that will short-circuit traversal of the hierarchy once a match is found.
public static class MyExtensions
public static T FirstOrDefaultFromMany<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenSelector,
Predicate<T> condition)
// return default if no items
if(source == null || !source.Any()) return default(T);
// return result if found and stop traversing hierarchy
var attempt = source.FirstOrDefault(t => condition(t));
if(!Equals(attempt,default(T))) return attempt;
// recursively call this function on lower levels of the
// hierarchy until a match is found or the hierarchy is exhausted
return source.SelectMany(childrenSelector)
.FirstOrDefaultFromMany(childrenSelector, condition);
To use it in your case:
var matchingProduct = products.FirstOrDefaultFromMany(p => p.children, p => p.Id == 27);