Filter BindingSource when DataSource is a BindingList

Franklin Januário picture Franklin Januário · Feb 22, 2016 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I have read from a excel sheet and wrote this for a BindingList, in Form_Load this is set to a DataSource as BindingSource:

bd = new BindingSource(); //instance of BindingSource
bd.DataSource = ExcelOPS.LerExcel(); //LerExcel() method return a BindingList<T>

gvFiltro.DataSource = bd; //set a DataGridView named gvFiltro DataSource property
bindNav.BindingSource = bd; //set a BindingNavigator source

This work fine! I intent to create a combobox as filter for this DataGridView gvFiltro, so in SelectedIndexChanged event of combobox, I try this:

this.gvFiltro.DataSource = null;
bd.Filter = string.Format("TAG_FAZENDA like '%{0}%'", cbTagFaz.Text);
gvFiltro.DataSource = bd;

bindNav.BindingSource = bd;

But the DataGridView don't change. I missed something?


Reza Aghaei picture Reza Aghaei · Feb 22, 2016

You can not use Filter property to filter a BindingSource which it's DataSource is set to a BindingList<T>.

Only underlying lists that implement the IBindingListView interface support filtering.

You can filter the BindingList<T> using Linq:

var filteredBindingList= new BindingList<T>(bindingList.Where(x=>some criteria).ToList());

Then you can use filtered binding list as data source.