Why Url.IsLocalUrl is false for local URLs in ASP.NET MVC?

Zameer Ansari picture Zameer Ansari · Jan 11, 2016 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source


To prevent open redirection in an ASP.NET MVC 5 application

The story:

The user is on some webpage of website /, say overview page /Home/Overview and clicks login

After login, the server returns some top-secret user specific data and redirects to the same page from where the user initiated login request.

I need to make sure that the server do not stupidly redirect to a hacker's website after login and also pass top-secret user specific data.

The values of

  • _Controller.Request.UrlReferrer
  • _Controller.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri
  • _Controller.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
  • _Controller.Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl)

respectively are:

  • {https://localhost:44300/Home/Overview}
  • "https://localhost:44300/Home/Overview"
  • "https://localhost:44300/Account/Login?returnUrl=%2FHome%2FOverview"
  • false

values for redirection

The value of Url.IsLocalUrl is false which is logically wrong.

In such case, how do I make sure that the user get safely redirected to /Home/Overview and not http://blackHatHackerWebsite.com after successful login?

Why Url.IsLocalUrl is false for local URLs in ASP.NET MVC?


Cheng Chen picture Cheng Chen · Jan 11, 2016

Url.IsLocalUrl("/Home/Overview") is definitely true. You get false because it's evaluating Url.IsLocalUrl("%2fHome%2fOverview"). That is, you returnUrl is url encoded twice. Try to find where you have an unnecessary encode.