Sorting all the elements in a XDocument

Zero Cool picture Zero Cool · Aug 12, 2010 · Viewed 16k times · Source

I have a XDocument where I'd like to sort all of the elements alphabetically. Here's a simplified version of the structure:

        <RoutingParameters id="Routing1">

I'm wanting to sort the elements in this documents at all levels, so far I'm able to sort it like so:

private static XDocument Sort(XDocument file)
    return new XDocument(
        new XElement(file.Root.Name,
            from el in file.Root.Elements()
            orderby el.Name.ToString()
            select el));

Which produces:

    <RoutingParameters id="Routing1">

I'd like to be able to sort all of the children elements in the same way (through a recursive function ideally). Any ideas how I can get this going with LINQ?

Thanks for any ideas.


dtb picture dtb · Aug 12, 2010

You already have a method to sort the elements. Just apply it recursively:

private static XElement Sort(XElement element)
    return new XElement(element.Name,
            from child in element.Elements()
            orderby child.Name.ToString()
            select Sort(child));

private static XDocument Sort(XDocument file)
    return new XDocument(Sort(file.Root));

Note that this strips all non-element nodes (attributes, text, comments, etc.) from your document.

If you want to keep the non-element nodes, you have to copy them over:

private static XElement Sort(XElement element)
    return new XElement(element.Name,
            from child in element.Nodes()
            where child.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element
            select child,
            from child in element.Elements()
            orderby child.Name.ToString()
            select Sort(child));

private static XDocument Sort(XDocument file)
    return new XDocument(
            from child in file.Nodes()
            where child.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element
            select child,