Why can't yield return appear inside a try block with a catch?

Daniel Earwicker picture Daniel Earwicker · Dec 6, 2008 · Viewed 26.8k times · Source

The following is okay:


    yield return 1;


The finally block runs when the whole thing has finished executing (IEnumerator<T> supports IDisposable to provide a way to ensure this even when the enumeration is abandoned before it finishes).

But this is not okay:


    yield return 1;  // error CS1626: Cannot yield a value in the body of a try block with a catch clause

catch (Exception e)

Suppose (for the sake of argument) that an exception is thrown by one or other of the WriteLine calls inside the try block. What's the problem with continuing the execution in catch block?

Of course, the yield return part is (currently) unable to throw anything, but why should that stop us from having an enclosing try/catch to deal with exceptions thrown before or after a yield return?

Update: There's an interesting comment from Eric Lippert here - seems that they already have enough problems implementing the try/finally behaviour correctly!

EDIT: The MSDN page on this error is: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cs1x15az.aspx. It doesn't explain why, though.


Jon Skeet picture Jon Skeet · Dec 6, 2008

I suspect this is a matter of practicality rather than feasibility. I suspect there are very, very few times where this restriction is actually an issue that can't be worked around - but the added complexity in the compiler would be very significant.

There are a few things like this that I've already encountered:

  • Attributes not being able to be generic
  • Inability for X to derive from X.Y (a nested class in X)
  • Iterator blocks using public fields in the generated classes

In each of these cases it would be possible to gain a little bit more freedom, at the cost of extra complexity in the compiler. The team made the pragmatic choice, for which I applaud them - I'd rather have a slightly more restrictive language with a 99.9% accurate compiler (yes, there are bugs; I ran into one on SO just the other day) than a more flexible language which couldn't compile correctly.

EDIT: Here's a pseudo-proof of how it why it's feasible.

Consider that:

  • You can make sure that the yield return part itself doesn't throw an exception (precalculate the value, and then you're just setting a field and returning "true")
  • You're allowed try/catch which doesn't use yield return in an iterator block.
  • All local variables in the iterator block are instance variables in the generated type, so you can freely move code to new methods

Now transform:

    yield return 10;
catch (Something e)
    Console.WriteLine("Catch block");

into (sort of pseudo-code):

case just_before_try_state:
    catch (Something e)
        goto case post;
    __current = 10;
    return true;

case just_after_yield_return:
    catch (Something e)
    goto case post;

case post;

void CatchBlock()
    Console.WriteLine("Catch block");

The only duplication is in setting up try/catch blocks - but that's something the compiler can certainly do.

I may well have missed something here - if so, please let me know!