How to MOQ an Indexed property

Ash picture Ash · Dec 4, 2008 · Viewed 25.6k times · Source

I am attempting to mock a call to an indexed property. I.e. I would like to moq the following:

object result = myDictionaryCollection["SomeKeyValue"];

and also the setter value

myDictionaryCollection["SomeKeyValue"] = myNewValue;

I am doing this because I need to mock the functionality of a class my app uses.

Does anyone know how to do this with MOQ? I've tried variations on the following:

Dictionary<string, object> MyContainer = new Dictionary<string, object>();
mock.ExpectGet<object>( p => p[It.IsAny<string>()]).Returns(MyContainer[(string s)]);

But that doesn't compile.

Is what I am trying to achieve possible with MOQ, does anyone have any examples of how I can do this?


Mike Scott picture Mike Scott · Dec 11, 2008

It's not clear what you're trying to do because you don't show the declaration of the mock. Are you trying to mock a dictionary?

MyContainer[(string s)] isn't valid C#.

This compiles:

var mock = new Mock<IDictionary>();
mock.SetupGet( p => p[It.IsAny<string>()]).Returns("foo");