store only date in database not time portion C#

KARAN picture KARAN · Nov 17, 2015 · Viewed 27.1k times · Source

I have a test class and an ExecutionDate property which stores only date but when we use [DataType(DataType.Date)] that also stores the time portion in database but I want only date portion.

public class Test
     public int Id { get; set; }

     public DateTime ExecutionDate { get; set; }      

Is any way to store only date on time portion in db using Entity Framework? Please help me....

I have added snapshot when use [DataType(DataType.Date)] that stores time portion 00:00 I want remove that

enter image description here


Ravi M Patel picture Ravi M Patel · Nov 19, 2015

I think you are trying to specify database column type. You could use data annotations as described in this article.

Here is an example :

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "varchar")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public DateTime DOB { get; set; }

By default, string is translated to nvarchar, we have changed that here. Also Datetime (this is what you asked I suppose) which by default maps to datatime in sql server, is changed to date which stores only the date portion and not the time portion of a DateTime value.