In C# is it guaranteed that expressions are evaluated left to right?
For example:
myClass = GetClass();
if (myClass == null || myClass.Property > 0)
Are there any languages that do not comply?
You actually refer to a language feature called "short-circuiting logical expressions":
What this means is this: When the outcome of a logical expression cannot change anymore, e.g. when it is clear that the expression will evaluate to "true" or "false" no matter what, remaining parts of the expression will not be evaluated.
For example, C#, Java or JavaScript do that, and you can rely on it in those languages (to answer your question).
In your case, if MyClass is not null:
MyClass == null
evaluates to falsemyClass.Property > 0
determines the end resultif MyClass is null:
MyClass == null
evaluates to trueThere are languages that do not short-circuit logical expressions. Classical VB is an example, here "myClass.Property > 0" would be evaluated and produce an error if MyClass was null (called "Nothing" in VB).