Have this scenario:
public class Base { public string Name; }
public Class ClassA :Base { public int32 Number; }
public Class ClassB :Base { public string Description;}
public Class DTO {
public string Name;
public int32 Number;
public string Description;
I have an IList<Base>
my maps are:
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<IList<Base>, IList<DTO>>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Number, opt => opt.Ignore())
.ForMember(dest => dest.Description, opt => opt.Ignore());
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<ClassA, DTo>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Description, opt => opt.Ignore());
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<ClassB, DTO>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Number, opt => opt.Ignore())
Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); //Is OK!
But Properties that are in ClassA Or ClassB are not mapped when I do this :
IList<DTO>= AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IList<Base>,IList<DTO>>(baseList);
How can I do to map properties that are defined in ClasA
and ClassB
You will need to create DTO classes that match your domain classes like this:
public class DTO
public string Name;
public class DTO_A : DTO
public int Number { get; set; }
public class DTO_B : DTO
public string Description { get; set; }
You then need to change your mappings to this:
Mapper.CreateMap<Base, DTO>()
.Include<ClassA, DTO_A>()
.Include<ClassB, DTO_B>();
Mapper.CreateMap<ClassA, DTO_A>();
Mapper.CreateMap<ClassB, DTO_B>();
Once this is done, then the following will work:
var baseList = new List<Base>
new Base {Name = "Base"},
new ClassA {Name = "ClassA", Number = 1},
new ClassB {Name = "ClassB", Description = "Desc"},
var test = Mapper.Map<IList<Base>,IList<DTO>>(baseList);
Unfortunately this does mean that you have an unwanted cast, but I don't think there's much that you can do about that.