C# XML serialization of derived classes

111111 picture 111111 · Jul 24, 2010 · Viewed 25.4k times · Source

Hi I am trying to serialize an array of objects which are derived from a class and I keep hitting the same error using c#. Any help is much appreciated.

obviously this example has been scaled down for the purpose of this post in the real world Shape would contain a plethora of different shapes.


namespace XMLInheritTests
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Shape[] a = new Shape[1] { new Square(1) };

            FileStream fS = new FileStream("C:\\shape.xml",
            XmlSerializer xS = new XmlSerializer(a.GetType());
                xS.Serialize(fS, a);
            catch (Exception e)


namespace XMLInheritTests
    public abstract class Shape
        public Shape() { }
        public int area;
        public int edges;


namespace XMLInheritTests
    public  class  Square : Shape
        public int iSize;
        public Square() { }

        public Square(int size)
            iSize = size;
            edges = 4;
            area = size * size;

Error: System.InvalidOperationException: The type XMLInheritTests.Square was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically.

at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterShapeA rray.Write2_Shape(String n, String ns, Shape o, Boolean isNullable, Boolean need Type)

at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterShapeA rray.Write3_ArrayOfShape(Object o)

Many Thanks


Marc Gravell picture Marc Gravell · Jul 24, 2010
public abstract class Shape {...}

(repeat for all known subtypes)

If the types are only known at runtime, you can supply them to the XmlSerializer constructor, but: then it is important to cache and reuse that serializer instance; otherwise you will haemorrhage dynamically created assemblies. It does this automatically when you use the constructor that just takes a Type, but not for the other overloads.