Loading Image to Filestream

mouthpiec picture mouthpiec · Jul 24, 2010 · Viewed 41.5k times · Source

I am loading an image using

OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();

After I select the file, "open" is populated with several items, including the path.

Now I would like to load the file into a filestream (or something similar) to be sent via a webservice... is this possible?



Oded picture Oded · Jul 24, 2010

You can open the file with FileStream:

FileStream file = new FileStream("path to file", FileMode.Open);

You can then pass this through to the web service http context Response.OutputStream property. You will still need to set the correct mime type and various headers, but this works well:

HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream = file;

Having said that, the easiest way to send a file from a web service (or web app) is to use the Response.WriteFile method:

Response.WriteFile("Path To File");