I have a query:
_selectQuery = _selectQuery.Substring(0, _selectQuery.Length - 1) + ")";
var testData= (from student in view.StudentView
join school in db.Schools on student.schoolid equals school.id into schools
from sc in schools.DefaultIfEmpty()
join tr in db.Teacher on sc.id equals tr.schoolid into teacherSchools
from tsc in teacherSchools.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
school, sc, tsc
foreach (var item in testData)
the code above throws exception in the foreach/iteration part: testData is null.
Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly at lambda_method(Closure , <>f__AnonymousType337
13 ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator
at Swift.PeopleCommon.Data.Export.EnhancedExportService.GetGridData(GridJsonGetRows grid, Boolean limitData) at DynamicModule.ns.Wrapped_IEnhancedExportStore_a2d199ba35504f35a326f3807ad0f404.__1(IMethodInvocation inputs, GetNextInterceptionBehaviorDelegate getNext)
I tried addung null checker like
join school in db.Schools on student==null ? 0 : student.schoolid equals school.id into something
but still throws error.
I tried creating a class for the select part(eg. select new TestClass{}) instead of anonymous but still throws exception. what could I be missing?
Check if the tsc
in your from tsc in teacherSchools.DefaultIfEmpty()
is NULL or not.
Edit 1:
I think the exception is thrown in
select new { school, sc, tsc }
check inner object
select new
School= (school==null ? new School() : school),