I am using Telegram Bot API
for sending instant messages to users.
I have installed nuget package. This package is recommend by telegram developers.
I have created a telegram bot and successfully got access to it by using code. When I send messsage to bot, bot gets some info about sender.
I need the phone numbers of users to identify them in our system and send the information back to them.
My question is Can i get a user phone number by telegramUserId
I'm doing it for user convenience. If I could to get a user phone number I should't have to ask for it from the user.
Now my command like this:
debt 9811201243
I want
No, unfortunately Telegram Bot API
doesn't return phone number. You should either use Telegram API methods instead or ask it explicitly from the user. You cannot get "friends" of a user as well.
You will definitely retrieve the following information:
(whatever it is: text, photo, etc.) date
If user configured it, you will also get last_name
and username