I have created a WriteableBitmap in Gray16 format. I want to resize this WriteableBitmap to my known dimention preserving the pixel format(Gray16).
Is any one worked on the Resizing the WriteableBitmap. Please help me.
I also searched the internet and found http://writeablebitmapex.codeplex.com/ but this through an assebmly reference error.
Please help me.
You can use the following function to resize a writableBitmap
WriteableBitmap resize_image(WriteableBitmap img, double scale)
BitmapSource source = img;
var s = new ScaleTransform(scale, scale);
var res = new TransformedBitmap(img, s);
return convert_BitmapSource_to_WriteableBitmap(res);
WriteableBitmap convert_BitmapSource_to_WriteableBitmap(BitmapSource source)
// Calculate stride of source
int stride = source.PixelWidth * (source.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8);
// Create data array to hold source pixel data
byte[] data = new byte[stride * source.PixelHeight];
// Copy source image pixels to the data array
source.CopyPixels(data, stride, 0);
// Create WriteableBitmap to copy the pixel data to.
WriteableBitmap target = new WriteableBitmap(source.PixelWidth
, source.PixelHeight, source.DpiX, source.DpiY
, source.Format, null);
// Write the pixel data to the WriteableBitmap.
target.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0
, source.PixelWidth, source.PixelHeight)
, data, stride, 0);
return target;