Write Tab Delimited File

AnimaSola picture AnimaSola · Jul 3, 2015 · Viewed 29.7k times · Source

I'm having trouble writing a Tab-delimited File and I've checked around here and have not gotten my answers yet.

So I've got a function that returns the string with the important pieces below (delimiter used and how I build each line):

var delimiter = @"\t";
sb.Append(string.Join(delimiter, itemContent));

The string returned is like this:


And then I write it to a file with this (content below is the string above):

var content = BuildFile(item);
var filePath = tempDirectory + fileName;

// Create the File
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath))
    Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(content);
    fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);

However, the file output is this with no tabs (opened in notepad++):


When it should be more like this (sample file provided):

H   100115980   300010000000003 20150625
D   430181  1   N
D   342130  2   N
D   459961  1   N

Could this be caused by the encoding I used? Appreciate any input you may have, thanks!


Hans Kesting picture Hans Kesting · Jul 3, 2015

Using var delimiter = @"\t";, the variable contains a literal \ plus t. The @ syntax disables the backslash as "special". In this case you really want

var delimiter = "\t";

to have a tab character.