Making a progress bar update in real time in wpf

nonion picture nonion · Apr 26, 2015 · Viewed 50.6k times · Source

I'm having some trouble making the progress bar show the updates in real time.

This is my code right now

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
     progressbar1.Value = i;

But for some reason the progress bar shows empty when the function runs, and then nothing until the function finishes running. Can someone explain to me how this can be done? I'm new to C#/WPF so I'm not 100% sure on how I would implement a Dispatcher on a different thread (as seen on some other posts) to fix this problem.

To clarify, my program has a button which when press, grabs the value from a textbox, and uses an API to retrieve info, and create labels based on it. I want the progress bar to update after every row of data is finished processing.

This is what I have right now:

private async void search(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var progress = new Progress<int>(value => progressbar1.Value = value);
    await Task.Run(() =>
        this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
             some pre-processing before the actual for loop occur
             for (int i = 0; i < numberofRows; i++)
                  label creation + adding

Thank you!


Aleksey Shubin picture Aleksey Shubin · Apr 26, 2015

If you are using .NET 4.5 or later, you can use async/await:

var progress = new Progress<int>(value => progressBar.Value = value);
await Task.Run(() =>
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

You need to mark your method with async keyword to be able to use await, for example:

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)