I have an excel worksheet that has column headers and I don't want to hard code the column letter or index so I am trying to figure out how I could make it dynamic. I am looking for something like this:
var ws = wb.Worksheet("SheetName");
var range = ws.RangeUsed();
var table = range.AsTable();
string colLetter = table.GetColumnLetter("ColHeader");
foreach (var row in table.Rows())
if (i > 1)
string val = row.Cell(colLetter).Value.ToString();
Does ClosedXML support anything like the made up GetColumnLetter() function above so I don't have to hard code column letters?
Sure, get the cell you want using a predicate on the CellsUsed
collection on the row with the headers, then return the column letter from the column.
public string GetColumnName(IXLTable table, string columnHeader)
var cell = table.HeadersRow().CellsUsed(c => c.Value.ToString() == columnHeader).FirstOrDefault();
if (cell != null)
return cell.WorksheetColumn().ColumnLetter();
return null;